Da Vinci: The Ultimate Innovator Exhibition Going Strong

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Leonardo da Vinci remains one of the most fascinating people history has ever known, and the Da Vinci: The Ultimate Innovator special exhibition now open at the San Diego Air & Space Museum, vividly brings to life his inventions, artworks, machines and robotics.

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While Leonardo da Vinci’s genius as an artist is renowned, the new exhibition reveals how his conceptual designs for many technological wonders we take for granted today were centuries ahead of their time.

Arranged into three categories—transportation, military, and mechanical—the interactive models in Da Vinci: The Ultimate Innovator are each displayed with a facsimile of the relevant da Vinci drawing. In addition, reproductions of several of his most famous paintings show how science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) were intricately connected in da Vinci’s mind.

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Da Vinci’s drive for perfection compelled him to carefully observe, dissect, and catalogue the world around him, and his mechanical designs represent an important facet of his passion to not only figure out how things work, but how to make them work better.

For the past 50 years a group of Florentine artisans have pored over da Vinci’s notes and drawings in an attempt to faithfully create replicas of his many inventions, relying solely on raw materials that were available in 15th-century Italy. The result is more than 90 artworks and machines, many of which are interactive, on display at the San Diego Air & Space Museum. The collection brings to life da Vinci’s most important and impressive inventions, including the bicycle, spring-powered car, hang glider, helicopter and for the first time his incredible robotic drummer. The exhibition also features children’s activities, computer animations, a cinema and reproductions of da Vinci’s greatest paintings.

Da Vinci: The Ultimate Innovator runs until January 3, 2017. The exhibition is open every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Tickets are available at the door.

San Diego Air & Space Museum

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