Special Collections

103rd Pursuit Squadron Logbook Collection

Logbooks of the 103rd Pursuit Squadron from World War I, recording day-to-day lives and combat details of the Squadron members. One from early March, 1918 to December 15, 1918, the other dated from February 19, 1918 to March 19, 1919.


38th Bomb Group Digital Image Collection

Digital only images of the 38th Bomb Group in the Pacific Theater. Most of the images show the North American B-25 Mitchell and crew members.


90th Bomb Group Special Collection

Formed in early 1942, the 90th Bombardment Group, part of the Fifth Air Force of the United States Army Air forces, operated the Consolidated B-24 Liberator heavy bomber in the Southwest Pacific Theater.


Adelard J. Gero Personal Papers

Adelard J. Gero was an engineer, innovator, and inventor. He was committed to creating V/STOL aircraft for commercial and civilian use. He created many blueprints and patents for his Sky-Car, the V.T.O.L. Air Commuter, and the Gero Airbus.


Aerophilately Collection

Aerospace enthusiasts frequently collect themed memorabilia, including ephemeral material such as envelopes and stamps. Various governments and entities issue these at commemorative anniversaries and events. The Museum inevitably became a repository for such material over time. Although no longer in the Museum’s collecting scope, this these stamps, first day of issue envelopes, and other aerospace related postal material (aerophilately) make up this collection.


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San Diego Air & Space Museum

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