James McDonnell

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James Smith McDonnell graduated with honors in physics from Princeton University and earned a masters degree in aeronautical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1924. McDonnell recognized the need for an engineer to know how to fly an airplane and so joined the Army Air Corps. He received his wings as a reserve Second Lieutenant in 1924 and embarked on a 56-year career in the American aircraft industry, rising from design engineer to chairman of the board of one of the world's most respected aerospace giants, the McDonnell Douglas Corporation. Among his notable achievements were the production of the U.S. Navy's first carrier-based jet fighter, the FH-1; America's first manned space craft, Mercury; and the F-4 Phantom jet, for which he was awarded the prestigious Collier trophy in 1966. After merging his company with Douglas Aircraft, they produced the acclaimed DC-10 wide body jet, and his crowning achievement, the F-15 Eagle fighter. In spite of the predominance of military aircraft emanating from his companies, James McDonnell was dedicated to the cause of peace in the world, but a peace founded on strength. He was a staunch supporter of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Evidence of his humanitarian values are apparent in the work accomplished by the McDonnell Foundation, and the strong support of his community of St. Louis and its Washington University.
Inducted in 1981.
Portrait Location: Hall of Fame Hallway

San Diego Air & Space Museum

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