Experience the thrilling adventure of “Lightyear” as marooned Space Ranger Buzz Lightyear encounters an army of ruthless robots commanded by Zurg, who are attempting to steal his fuel source. Enjoy this captivating story while exploring the museum after hours.
Your Gateway to Adventure:
Be on the look out for 5 invitations to join Star Command that will be hidden in 5 candy bars that can be purchased during the event. Find one and win a mission patch and goodie bag from the Museum Store.
Complimentary Treats for Everyone:
Fun for the Whole Family:
Please Note:
Outside food, drinks, coolers, or backpacks are not permitted.
Where Dreams Take Flight:
Don’t miss this opportunity to enjoy a beloved film in a captivating atmosphere. Grab your tickets now and get ready for a night of fun and excitement under the stars!
2001 Pan American Plaza, San Diego, CA
Phone: 619.234.8291
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The San Diego Air & Space Museum is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Federal Tax ID Number 95-2253027.